In May 2014, K Grace said about Raphael Design…
Back in January this year [Raphael Design Ltd] supplied Karl Grace Design with an A1 Pavement Sign and Poster. The actual Pavement Sign is robust and tough enough to withstand the physical abuse it gets from the weather and occasional passersby and the poster is clear enough to catch the eye of passing cars.The result has been that since it was positioned outside my office in late January, it has not only identified my office to those visiting Karl Grace Design but has also resulted in several enquiries for our services and to date, 2 formal appointments which have paid for the sign several times over.We have no hesitation in recommending Raphael Design Ltd to all those requiring [their] service not only for the quality of [their] printing services but also for the products [they] supply.
In May 2014, K Grace said about Raphael Design... Back in January this year [Raphael Design Ltd] supplied Karl Grace Design with an A1 Pavement Sign and Poster. The actual Pavement Sign is robust and tough enough to withstand the physical abuse it gets from the weather and occasional passersby and the poster is clear enough to catch the eye of passing cars.The result has been that since it was positioned outside my office in late January, it has not only identified my office to those visiting Karl Grace Design but has also resulted in several enquiries for our services and to date, 2 formal appointments which have paid for the sign several times over.We have no hesitation in recommending Raphael Design Ltd to all those requiring [their] service not only for the quality of [their] printing services but also for the products [they] supply.